WordLife Presentation Model


Implementing the WORDLIFE Presentation model in any organization involves several steps to improve communication effectiveness. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Work (W):

1.    Define the purpose of your communication: This might involve aligning with the organization's goals or addressing a particular issue.

2.   Understand your topic: Research thoroughly the topic you're communicating about to ensure accuracy and relevancy.

3.   Know your message: Clearly define the main message or point you wish to communicate.

4.  Identify the desired outcome: Specify what you want to achieve with the communication.

Step 2: Organize (O):

5.  Identify your main points: Break down your key message into digestible main points.

6.  Develop your structure: Create a clear and logical structure for your communication.

7.   Design your flow: Ensure a logical flow in your communication.

8.   Prepare for Q&A: Anticipate potential questions and concerns and prepare responses.

9.   Develop your script or communication plan: Draft your communication or clearly plan what needs to be conveyed.

Step 3: Research (R):

10. Understand your audience: Know whom you're communicating with, their needs, and expectations.

11.  Research your topic: Stay updated on any new developments relevant to your topic.

12. Anticipate questions: Always be prepared for questions and provide space for them.

Step 4: Design (D):

13.  Create supporting materials: Use visual aids, handouts, or digital platforms to supplement your communication.

14. Maintain consistency: Ensure your message is consistent across all platforms and materials.

15.  Keep it simple: Communicate in a way that is easy to understand and digest.

Step 5: Learn (L):

16. Enhance your communication skills: Learn and apply effective communication techniques.

17.  Public speaking techniques: If presenting or speaking publicly, learn and apply public speaking techniques.

18. Handling nerves: Practice stress management techniques to handle communication nerves.

Step 6: Involve (I):

19. Participant involvement: Encourage active participation from the audience.

20. Open Dialogue: Facilitate an open environment where questions and feedback are encouraged.

21. Responsive adjustment: Be prepared to adjust your communication based on feedback and audience reactions.

Step 7: Focus (F):

22. Stay on topic: Keep your communication focused on the main points.

23. Audience attention: Pay attention to the audience's engagement and adjust your communication as needed.

24. Clear communication: Ensure your message is concise and easily understandable.

Step 8: Evaluate (E):

25. Self-assessment: After the communication, assess how well you did.

26. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from your audience or colleagues.

27. Continuous learning: Always strive to improve your communication based on feedback and self-assessment.

Following these steps, you can implement the WORDLIFE presentation model in your organization, improving overall communication effectiveness.



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