The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" correlates with effective communication skills:

1.    Be Proactive: Proactivity is the foundation of effective communication. A research paper published in the Journal of Organizational Behaviour (2019) found that employees who proactively share their thoughts and ideas contribute significantly to organisational creativity—being proactive means initiating communication, clarifying misunderstandings, and setting a positive tone for the conversation. For example, proactive communicator doesn't wait for a misunderstanding to escalate; they address it immediately to ensure everyone is on the same page.

2.  Begin with the End in Mind: Defining the goals is essential before any significant communication or discussion. For instance, if you're leading a team meeting, your end goal might be to devise a solution for a particular project issue. By setting this goal beforehand, you can guide the conversation effectively. A study published in the Journal of Communication (2017) indicated that goal-directed communication resulted in improved outcomes, emphasising the importance of this habit.

3.      Put First Things First: Prioritizing your communication ensures that the most critical information is delivered first. This is a fundamental principle in journalism known as the "inverted pyramid," where the most newsworthy information goes at the beginning of the article. Daily communication could mean addressing significant issues during a conversation or a meeting before moving on to less critical topics.

4.  Think Win-Win: A win-win approach to communication encourages collaboration and mutual understanding. For example, the win-win method in conflict resolution encourages empathetic listening and co-creating solutions that meet everyone's needs. A study published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution (2018) found that win-win negotiation strategies led to more durable and satisfying outcomes.

5.   Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: Active listening is a crucial component of this habit. According to a study published in Harvard Business Review (2016), good listeners create a safe environment that fosters open dialogue and honest feedback. An interesting anecdote is the "talking stick" concept in Native American cultures, where the person holding the stick speaks while others listen, promoting understanding before speaking.

6.   Synergize: This habit fosters collaboration and innovation. A paper published in the Academy of Management Journal (2020) found that teams that fostered a high level of synergy were more innovative and productive. In communication, synergy could be a brainstorming session where diverse perspectives come together to create a unique solution. It emphasises that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

7.   Sharpen the Saw: Continual learning and adaptation are crucial for communication skills. According to a report by LinkedIn (2018), leadership, communication, and collaboration were among the most in-demand skills across all industries. Sharpening the saw could mean participating in communication skills workshops or seeking regular feedback to improve. A good example is Julian Treasure’s famous TED Talk on "How to speak so that people want to listen," which provides valuable insights and tips on refining communication skills.

By practising these habits and correlating them with effective communication, you can foster personal and professional development, build stronger relationships, and contribute positively to your work environment.



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