Types of Questions, a Teacher can ASK in the Classroom

1.       Recall Questions:

a. Factual Recall:

·         What is the capital of France?

·         What is the chemical symbol for water?

·         When did World War II end?

b. Chronological Recall:

·         What event happened first, the Renaissance or the Reformation?

·         Can you put these historical events in chronological order?

·         What is the timeline of the American Civil War?

c. Procedural Recall:

·         How do you solve a quadratic equation?

·         What are the steps to find the derivative of a function?

·         How do you make a cake from scratch?

2.      Conceptual Questions: 

a. Definition and Identification:

·         What is photosynthesis?

·         Can you identify the main theme of this novel?

·         Define the term "opportunity cost."

b. Comparison and Contrast:

·         What are the similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis?

·         Compare and contrast the styles of the two artists.

·         How are democracy and authoritarianism different?

c. Cause and Effect:

·         What were the causes of the French Revolution?

·         How does the greenhouse effect impact global warming?

·         What are the effects of deforestation on biodiversity?

3.      Analytical Questions: 

a. Problem-solving:

·         How would you approach solving this word problem?

·         Propose a solution to reduce traffic congestion in a city.

·         What steps would you take to improve the quality of education in a low-performing school?

b. Evaluative:

·         Assess the strengths and weaknesses of this argument.

·         How effective was this author's use of symbolism in the story?

·         Critique the design of this scientific experiment.

c. Creative and Imaginative:

·         How would you rewrite the ending of this book?

·         Design a marketing campaign for a new product.

·         If you were the president of a country, what policies would you implement to improve the economy?

4.     Reflective and Metacognitive Questions: 

a. Self-awareness:

·         How do you learn best?

·         What strategies help you to stay organized and manage your time effectively?

·         In what areas do you feel you need to improve?

b. Connection-making:

·         How does this concept relate to your everyday life?

·         Can you think of a real-world example where this principle applies?

·         How can you connect this historical event to a current event?

c. Hypothetical and Speculative:

·         What would happen if there were no laws?

·         How would the world change if we ran out of fossil fuels?

·         If you could go back in time, which historical event would you change and why?


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